Safety Reopening Plan
St. Paul offers in-person, 5-day instruction with the ability to adjust as the need arises.
Our focus is to continue to provide a dynamic learning experience that cares for all involved. There will be laughter. There will be joy. There will be learning. We will get through this difficult time together.
Reopening Plan Zoom Call Audio Recording:
Audio Recording:
August 7, 2020 Official Reopening Plan:
Safe Reentry Plan of Action:
Start of School Year:
St. Paul intends to start the school year September 9. Please be advised that out-of-state travel will likely result in 14-day quarantine and plan accordingly.
We are encouraging all families to consider transporting their students to and from school during this time. Coordinating safe transportation will certainly be a challenge for local districts and there will likely be many scheduling changes that may result in issues with students being bused daily.
We do plan to offer before and after school care to help meet the needs of family schedules.
-Students will be greeted by staff outside the building. Parents/chaperones will not enter the building
-All students will wear a mask until they enter their classroom and their daily health screen is completed.
-If a student has a temp of 100 or higher, a parent must take the student home.
-After removal of the mask, the student must wash or sanitizer his/her hands
-Masks are worn when in motion outside the classroom.
Classroom Environment:
The main safety features in the classroom will be:
-Healthy ventilation (windows and doors open as possible)
-Observance of adequate spacing (using 6ft for children old enough for desks)
-Enhanced hygiene focus
-Teachers with clear masks
-Daily cleaning and sanitizing routine
Cleaning protocols:
-Our school will be cleaned nightly by a professional cleaner.
-Each day sanitizing will be performed in classrooms and other high traffic areas using a checklist system that records most recent cleaning.
-We will still offer specials. Wherever possible specials teachers will travel to the classroom.
-PE will take place outside as much as possible. When inside, activities must allow for physical distancing.
-Lunch will be eaten in classrooms. Families will still be able to order hot lunch.
-Teachers will make a schedule to allow the classes to alternate times on the playground and outside so students still get out to play.
-No cross playing with other classes.
-Playground equipment will be sanitized after each use.
-Each class will have its own travel bag with playground equipment.
-Chapel will be held weekly, however some classes will attend in the Sanctuary and some will be participating via livestream in the classroom. This is to ensure physical distancing.
-A rotation schedule of the classes that will be attending in the Sanctuary will be developed.
-Unfortunately, family members will not be permitted to attend chapel at this time. However, chapel will be livestreamed.
-Families who pickup students will be reunited with their students outside the building
-Students will be dismissed wearing masks
Wrap Care:
-Before and after school care will be available for families.
-Proper protocols are currently being determined.
COVID Response:
-If a student gets ill while at school and has a fever he/she will be asked to put on a mask and will go to the health room to have temp taken. If he/she has a fever the parents will be called and the student will need to go home. This student will need to stay home for a minimum of 48 hours once fever free. As understanding of the virus changes, St. Paul will work closely with local health officials to modify our Return to School policy.
-Please contact Principal David Spiehler at 370-7632 if your child (or anyone in your home) is diagnosed with COVID 19.
-If a student or staff member is diagnosed with COVID 19, St. Paul will work directly with the Health Department to determine next steps for the school. There will be a mandatory 24-hour school closing and then St. Paul will follow the instructions of health officials.
Q: Will children be required to wear masks?
A: Our goal is to minimize the amount of time children need to wear masks in the classroom. However, when they arrive at school they will need to wear a mask until they are inside the classroom with a completed health check. Masks will also be worn during passing in the hallway, when safe distance cannot be maintained and at dismissal.
Q: Do I need to provide my child with masks?
A: Yes. All students need to come to school wearing a mask and have a bag labeled with their name containing additional masks. Disposable masks will also be stored in the health office for emergency situations.
Q: How will St. Paul manage student and staff hygiene?
A: Hand hygiene for all will be taught, encouraged and properly enforced throughout the day.
Q: Will students be able to use the water fountains?
A: We will only use the feature that fills water bottles.
Q: Will staff and teachers wear masks?
A: Yes. Teachers will be provided with clear masks and other appropriate PPE.
Q: What are the cleaning requirements?
A: Cleaning will be done every evening by a professional cleaner. Throughout the day we will also have a sanitation plan that staff will implement.
Q: Will students be permitted to play freely with each other?
A: Yes, they will play and interact with their friends in their classroom. We will minimize interaction with students from other classrooms.
Q: Will our classrooms be large enough to allow for physical distancing?
A: Yes, our classrooms are large enough to accommodate physical distancing. Enrollment is being capped to assure safety guidelines can be met.
Q: What will learning look like if we are no longer able to learn in person?
A: We will provide instruction daily through Google Classrooms. K-8 will use the Google Classroom platform to accomplish this educational goal. Pre-k will use a social media platform to deliver daily instruction.
Q: Will St. Paul have a 100 percent on-line option for families who choose to keep their children home this year?
A: As long as we are able to maintain in-person education, this is where our focus will remain.
If you are interested in learning more contact us at, or call 750-8546.
Recommended Masks by the CDC