The Healing Journey has been a place of life-change and healing since 2001. This 29-week, comprehensive Bible study is loaded with proven and effective tools to help you move toward a place of wholeness and freedom, regardless of whether your issues are mild and typical, or extreme and devastating. It is a place where anyone desiring to learn and experience God’s Biblical principles for healing, can move toward a more satisfying life. The Healing Journey provides an opportunity to heal from mental, emotional, or spiritual wounds.
This is a great study to share with family and friends in and outside of the church.
Men & Women will be taking the class in separate spaces for comfortability and confidentiality.
For more information and to register for The Healing Journey:
Women contact Kim: 585-208-4362
Men Contact John at 585-208-4365
or email fireworksinjuly4@hotmail.com