We welcome you to worship at St. Paul! We are so grateful to be offering three in-person worship services each weekend. We also livestream our 11 a.m. service for those who choose to worship from home. You can join us on Facebook or view these services on YouTube each week.
Facebook Live! Sundays at 11am:
St. Paul YouTube Page:
Our practices have been modified to stress safety and caring with the goal of weathering this storm together. Here are some things you should know.
Masks must be worn to enter the building.
A Clean Team has been implemented to make sure that surfaces are sanitized in between worship services.
Outdoor airflow has been increased in the sanctuary.
Ushers will seat you in a manner that meets appropriate distancing guidelines.
Holy Communion will be celebrated in worship. We are using self contained communion packs.
Offering plates will not be passed during worship. Plates will be available at the back of the sanctuary.
Children are encouraged to sit with their families. Childcare is temporarily suspended.